Thursday, January 10, 2008

Getting my work on...


Time for a bit of a breather.

I hit a very important deadline yesterday for the magazine. About 85% of the material has made its way off to the designer, leaving me with just one last feature to pull together over the next week or so.

It’s been a bit of a tough row to hoe and a couple times I wasn’t sure I that I’d hit my deadline at all. The mag has become job numero uno for me since taking on this new job.
My experience as editor is non existent and I had to learn a LOT as I went along, so I think it went slower this time out than it probably will again. But it was very involved and, on top of my other work, very stressful at times.

I’ve been operating in a bubble with absolutely no feedback on the mag as I put it together. So while I think the finished product is pretty kick ass, I have to admit I’ve lost some of my objectivity. I know the editorial committee is going to be fairly critical when we starting getting proofs back and that criticism would be more productive earlier in the process.

S has been a rock through the whole thing and last night we celebrated the achievements by opening a bottle of champagne and very quickly getting giggly.

So now, after my 24 hour breather, I can move on to all those other jobs that I quietly stuffed under a rug over the last month and a half, including planning for the awards ceremony in February and my upcoming nuptials in August.

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