Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back in Black

It feels like some kind of New Year's cliche that I'm firing up this blog.

Resolution #1. I promise to blog more.

Only it's not a resolution. Two of the hardest habits to maintain with any frequency; flossing and blogging. Rather the time of the year that I happen to be (re)undertaking this endeavour is mere coincidence.

Format change.

Initially I was supposed to get my nerd kicks off here. Comic book thoughts. Movie reviews. Music reviews.

And over in my LJ I'd post the more personal thoughts. But let's face it. I didn't even have time for this idea when I first hatched it and things have changed considerably since then.

1. I'm getting married.
2. I have a new job.
3. I'm back in school.

All of these things have combined to create a perfect storm of time consumption.

So. My solution is to use this blog for EVERYTHING. Honestly I find it easier to use and to add not text elements.

So this blog will be a bit of everything; nerd think, personal finance, political observation, sports talk, general bitching and moaning and whatever else I can fit into it.

And to hell with proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Because I don't use that stuff in the real world anyway.

Faulk out.

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