Thursday, July 10, 2008

Idle minds...

Interesting meeting yesterday.

I think I've built up some political capital within the organization. I was able to suggest a story idea for our latest mag that, while not met with a lot of initial enthusiasm, was signed off on by the board. Which is a good thing.

I'm hoping it means that I've proven myself in my position and people are able to trust my instincts on what makes a good story.

Recently a job posting showed up at work that would be a great position to apply for, but is just a little out of my grasp right now. I'd like to wait until I have my Certificate and a little more flexibility to my schedule before I apply to any jobs as demanding as that one.

But it did make me wonder about the future. How long am I willing to stay in my current job? And if/when I go, where am I looking to go and what am I hoping to do?

There are some fantastic advantages to my current job that I won't find anywhere else. But I don't want to get so caught up in the perks of this job that I hesitate about taking on bigger and better challenges.

Just something that's been hovering in the back of my mind for the last week or so.

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