Friday, October 31, 2008

Are a Con-do or a Con-don't?

The condo corp has once against wrapped its icy hands around the collective balls of its residents. Unfortunately, I don't appreciate the reach around and S is jealously starting to reach a slow boil.

The corp has decided to start doing full blown construction next week on a walkway between the main condo building and the row of townhouses that hide behind it. Unfortunately we happen to live in those townhouses and that walkway is the only way in and out of our place. We're not the only people in this position, so the corp has decided to remove the railings separating the patios of the individual townhouses so that residents can get into their homes without having to scale fences.

S and I aren't thrilled with the fact that pretty soon every and anybody who would normally use that walk way is now going to have uncontrolled access to our private property. (Although in all honestly, I can't see any other reasonable way for them to do it) But we were in no way consulted, or informed, about this possibility until less then a week before the construction was due to start.

Once again the corp has made a decision and decided to proceed with it, without informing or consulting the people who actually pay the money that allows this stuff to get done.

Worst of all, the construction is completely unnecessary. Apparently they want to tear up the concrete sidewalk ,that has a couple cosmetic cracks in it do to frost heaving, and replace it with interlocking brick. I'm sorry, but I took a look at the sidewalk last night and cosmetic really does sum it up best. The walkway is hardly riddled with cracks, we're talking about one or two cracks in a sidewalk less then ten years old. It's just another excuse to spend money and justify the condo fees.

Hey I have an idea, if you've got so much money that you're spending it on make work projects, why not put some of it back in the owner's pockets.

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