Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fit and (just) bearing it.


Every day this week I’ve gotten up before work and put in about half an hour on the Wii Fit. If you know me at all, (and you don’t…thanks a lot of caring….jerks), then you know that when it comes to getting up early in the morning, voluntarily, during the work week, you’ll find that to be an extremely improbably event. Unless, you know, you were handing out free bacon or something.

You aren’t handing out free bacon are you?

You’re much more likely to win the lottery, or become the first person in the history of the planet to teleport to the moon, rather than see my ass role out of bed without hitting the snooze button on the alarm less than three times.

I likes my sleep I does.

Fun fact. If my wife doesn’t turn off her alarm fast enough in the morning she’ll find that I’ll reach over top of her half awake self and do it for her. Which will allow her to fall quickly back to sleep. And nothing bad ever happens.

Anyway. Back to the story. Me. Up early. Wii Fit.

Surprisingly I’m enjoying it. I’ve written off the aerobics and games as nothing more than amusing light and noise, but the yoga and strength exercises seem to have some value. I also like charting my mostly insignificant weight loss. Perhaps I’ve become inspired because the Wii has chosen to calculate my Mii character as overweight and plumps up my avatar accordingly. It’s not fun to watch that chunky little version of myself toddle across the screen, presumably chasing after some mythical Wii Doughnuts.

Whatever the reason, this new fitness regimen has part of my morning routine. Finally I can exercise in the privacy of my own house, without having to shamefully hide my body away from the judgemental eyes of the casual gym-goer. Now that’s Wii-tastic

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