Friday, September 5, 2008

Cleaning house

The great purge continues…albeit veeeeerrrrrry slowly.

It’s official. Our little dwelling has run out of space. Prime culprit? Yours truly. I’ve brought in more books, DVDs and comics then our living space can currently contain. Unfortunately, I’m biologically incapable of getting rid of anything, a trait that I come by honestly. My mother has a problem with pack rat-ism that has gotten so bad, my parents are restricted to living in only one room of their house, the rest of it being stacked floor to ceiling with junk.

Things have come to a head in our own place with the influx of wedding related giftery. And while many of these generous gifts are meant to replace things we already own (pots and pans, dishes, etc.) we haven’t yet managed to squeeze the time out of our schedules to begin that replacement process.

I’ve been sorting and purging my comics for the last couple months and I’m starting to see the results of that decision in my purchasing habits. The light weeks are becoming more prevalent as I make the tough choices about what to buy and what to leave on the shelves.

A couple days ago I took a crack at my books, pulling nearly two dozen titles from my bookshelves in preparation for a visit to the used bookstore. A process I equate to ripping your own arm off and beating yourself in the face with it. Unfortunately, I suffered a setback on this front last night after stopping by Scottie’s for a round of video games. I ended up with leaving with a small handful of TPB’s that Scott earmarked for disposal. Scottie, FYI, is a purging master. That guy knows what he wants to keep and what has got to go. He has no sentimentality whatsoever about keeping something he’s not sure about. And since I have so much trouble letting things go, its awe inspiring to watch him at work.

Next up is the big purge, clothing. Its not that I’m attached to my old clothes that I don’t wear anymore (concert T’s notwithstanding) its just that I’m a sentimental bastard who can’t bear to part with anything. Although a tipping point was reached when I realized that I was taking up more closet space then my wife.

Truly, a milestone to be proud of

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