Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby steps

Today my daughter managed to wedge her foot in her mouth and suck on her toes for the first time. Its fascinating to watch her as she lurches her way from achievement to achievement. A week ago she couldn't roll on to her stomach and now we can't be more than an arms length away from her because there's a very real danger she could roll clear across the floor in pursuit of her favourite toy or the unsuspecting cat.

In a very small way I get to relive some of my own childhood with her. I've experienced more than one pang of jealousy by her ability to lose herself in the pursuit of little things, like trying to fit a chew toy in her mouth or the unbridled joy that lights up her face when her grandparents start cooing or clucking at her.

I still haven't adjusted to being a parent yet. At times I still chafe about how its impossible to go to the movies on a whim, or how scheduling extracurricular activities now has to be coordinated around feedings or nap times. I'm still struggling with the remnants of how things 'used to be'. But its amazing how much of a pick-me-up I get when I walk in the front door and her face splits into a big toothless grin when she sees me.

1 comment:

GunMetalBlue said...

Toothless grin! Haha! Yeah, I'd imagine that helps with the stuff you can't do anymore.