Monday, February 11, 2008

An open letter to Stuart Immonen

Stuart Immonen has gone and charted a timeline of his career over the roughly twenty or so years he’s been an artist in comic books.

A lot of it sounds like he views himself as sort of a forgotten artist type, who’s work people are only now starting to recognize despite the fact that he’s been in the business for so long.

The comments were turned off so I couldn’t throw in my two cents. I guess I’ll just have to say it here.


Your penciling on the Adventures of Superman in the late 90’s was one of the few things that kept me as a comic book reader at a time in my life where my discretionary funding could almost certainly have been spent in better places.

I’m not qualified enough to comment on your artistic skill, but I usually only follow writers to different projects, not artists. You are the rare exception to that rule.

I’m happy that you’ve found success now with Ultimate Spider-man and after twenty years in the business it’s a success hard earned.

But to me, you will always be the Superman penciller that managed to keep me interested in comics at an age where most kids pack it in.

In other words, you have a lot to answer for.

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