Sunday, February 25, 2007

Some thoughts on the Academy Awards...

Worst. Oscars. Ever.

An hour and a half into the Oscars and they've awarded only one really significant category (Best Supporting Actor)

I want to give them full credit for trying new things. But if I really wanted to hear Tom Hanks and Helen Mirren read the stage directions for the best adapted Screen Plays...well....I can't even imagine the world where I'm that desperate for such dismal entertainment.

I almost feel like bludgeoning myself with the remote control in the hopes that the blood rushing to my head wound will wake me up enough to care about what's going on.

All the worst (dull) aspects of Oscar shows years past are here. The greatest tragedy of all being the return the Interpretive Dance. I think it was truly a missed call to stack all the big categories at the end of the evening.

It makes me yearn for the Whoopie Goldberg years and I didn't think that would ever happen.

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